ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture
To know complete procedure for pearl training- 7017563576
Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751 002, Odisha, India
National Training on “Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development”
ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar is a premier research institute on freshwater aquaculture research catering to the needs of aqua-farmers on various aspects of freshwater aquaculture, fish nutrition and physiology, fish health management, fish genetics and biotechnology and social sciences. Since inception, the institute has made several hallmark contributions including promising technology on freshwater pearl culture. Pearls as ‘Queen of Gems’ have been occupying a unique place due to their fascinating beauty ever since their discovery in ancient times. Pearls have symbolized love, chastity, purity or feminine charms as well as status symbol in various societies. Pearl culture is a billion dollar industry and one of the world’s largest aquaculture activities in terms of value. For the last several years, ICAR-CIFA has contributed significantly in the field of freshwater pearl culture. In order to disseminate the technology among potential pearl cultivators, this institute is organizing a national level training programme at ICAR-CIFA headquarters.
Interested participants may apply for National training on “Freshwater pearl farming for entrepreneurship development”. It is necessary that the trainees are expected to have a good vision, perseverance and have basic knowledge of biology/fish/mussel farming. Selected participants will be informed in due course of time.
Due to the limited capacity and huge demand for training, we have developed criteria for screening the applicants. The details are mentioned below.
Criteria for selection in “National Training on Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development”
1. Participants should have basic knowledge of fish/mussel farming/aquaculture.
2. Participants’ age should be in between 18-55 years.
3. Participants should have some infrastructure like pond, cement cisterns, and tank etc. to start pearl farming after receiving training.
4. Woman entrepreneurs will be given preference (20%).
5. Equal consideration will be given to participants from each state.
Course contents
Introduction to freshwater pearl mussels, anatomy, introduction to nucleus beads, hands on training on different implantation methods like mantle cavity, mantle tissue and gonadal implantation, management of water quality parameters, fabrication of bag for culture etc.
Course Fee: Rs. 8000/applicant (Rupees Eight thousand only)
Important Note:
1. After declaration of list of selected candidate (shall be displayed on Institute’s website), the participants are advised to book their bus/train/flight tickets.
2. The participants are strictly advised not to attach/enclose demand draft with the application. The training fee will be deposited at ICAR-CIFA account only after arrival for the program.
Lodging and boarding: The expenses towards lodging and boarding shall be borne by the participants. Approx. Rs.400/head/day (Arrangement in the Institute Training Hostel)
Last date for submission of Application form: 07 May, 2019
Declaration of final list of selected candidates: check on www.cifa.nic.in. (For further information, kindly check our Annual Training Calendar 2019-2020 in CIFA website. Participants are requested to avoid repeated Phone call)
Maximum candidates: 20
Dr. Shailesh Saurabh
Senior Scientist
ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture
Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751 002, Odisha
All applications (by Speed post) must be addressed to
The Head, Social Science Section and Incharge Training Cell
ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture
Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751 002, Odisha
Tel: 0674-2465502; Fax: 0674-2465407
Email: cifa.training@gmail.com, Website: www.cifa.nic.in
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